Discover 4A's Light Pink Roses Mixed Dry Flower Bouquet. Perfect for long-lasting decoration, with a length of 45-50 cm. Ideal for florists and interior designers! Read more.
Discover the timeless elegance of the Light Pink Roses Mixed Dry Flower Bouquet, a masterpiece by 4A. Measuring 45-50 centimetres in length, this bouquet combines the delicate beauty of light pink roses with a harmony of mixed colours, making it a perfect choice for florists and interior designers looking for sophisticated and long-lasting decoration solutions. The natural materials create an authentic look, ideal for long-lasting applications in various environments.
This bouquet falls under the Dried Roses and Bouquets of Dry Flowers categories, and is an excellent choice for corporate clients who value quality and aesthetics. The dried flowers have been carefully selected and treated to retain their natural beauty, making them ideal for use in floral arrangements, interior design projects and events. With the ability to order by the piece, this product offers flexibility and convenience for wholesalers and professionals looking for more top-quality dried flowers.